What Do You Do When The Ancestors Come?

3 min readFeb 12, 2023

A Question For Any and Everyone.

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

What do you do when the ancestors visit? What are we supposed to do in a time like this? I find it funny that I am asking myself this question, as well as writing about it, because I feel like it is something I should know the answer to, and yet, after an experience I had this morning I was puzzled.

Let me introduce myself to those of you who are new and re-introduce myself to those of you who think you know me. My name is Raafeke, and I am obviously a writer. Less obviously, I am a West Indian person (specifically of Guyanese and Carriacouan/Kayak descent), I am queer, and I am highly faith-driven. I have been an advocate for indigenous religions since I could really think about God, and I have been a believer in the tradition(s) of my ancestors since 2019.

In the 2+ years that I have been on Medium, I have showcased the various things that interested me through my writing, but I have censored myself for various reasons, privacy included. I don’t particularly write about my supernatural experiences, but today I wanted to be transparent and share one of them.

Where my family is from, dreams are very important, so important they can bring an entire community together. This morning I had a dream that five of my deceased family members from my mother’s side had come to…




West Indian 🇬🇾🇬🇩. New Yorker. I write when I feel called to do so. Check out my book, “Radiance Lost” on Amazon and my podcast, "Parrotbeetie".